Web & Cyber Security Update – March 2022

Everyday across the Internet virtually ALL websites are subjected to various types of cyber attacks and hack attempts. These intrusions are carried out by a wide range of bad actors from the lone bored teenager testing their “skillz” to sophisticated state sponsored groups. This is business as usual in terms of web security and is often just referred to as “Gray noise”.

But what is alarming to see at present (14th March 2022) is the absolutely massive increase in the volume and persistent nature of these cyber attacks. The number of web security alerts that our defensive cyber security systems are generating in response to these attacks is at all time record levels. Personally I have never seen anything like it.

In these increasingly challenging times, website owners need to ensure that the following boxes are ticked:

  • Fully Updated Online Systems (WordPress, Plugins and Themes)
  • Appropriate Cyber Security using Firewalls (both WordFence and CloudFlare)
  • Backup systems and strategy that have been implemented and tested.
  • Skilled Team of people to help… contact us

As an experienced web developer and security nerd, perhaps the most alarming element of this major increase in cyber attacks is that this new level of hostile and malicious activity will undoubtedly become the new normal. Time and time again this has happened across the web and Internet in general.

Sadly, this means that we will look back at 2022 in a few years time and think how “calm” things were.
So please take care and reach out to us if you need help


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